Wednesday 26 May 2010


Well its been along time but blog communication is back!

And its back with a new number if you need to text prayer requests, information or questions.

the number is

07516 747 718.

Monday 9 November 2009

God of the Underdog...

"As I write it has been a weekend of the underdog. David Haye beat a man 7 stone heavier than him, and Jedward stayed in X Factor. I have been interested in both these stories for our reaction to them: we love that Haye won, but we struggle with Jedward staying in despite their lack of singing ability. I am reminded that as Christians we worship a God who is on the side of the underdog: and that like this weekend that will sometimes delight us, and sometimes disgust us."

I guess its all about grace. Grace is one of those words that you only really come across in church- and it can be confusing. I think it means that ultimately we don't get what we 'deserve'.. and nor does anyone else.

God's grace to us means that we can do really bad things, but we remain loved. We can not be as 'good' or successful as other people but God still cares for us. We can be struggling as other people are bigger and stronger than us, but God still is on our side. The hard bit is that He is on the side of other people too.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Long time, no blog..

If you have been following the Cottingley blog you may well have gotten bored by now. I haven't updated for some time, for which I apologise. Its been a busy few eeks: with children back to school and the beginning of school year meeting glut that accompanies.

Now that those meetings are over, I feel that I can begin to settle into a rhythm of prayer. I would like to invite anyone who prays to join me at the church at 6.15pm for no more than 45 minutes on the following dates:
Monday 26th October
Monday 9th November
Monday 23rd November

In these times we will pray for Cottingley and have a short service of night prayer. Its a beautiful way to put down the business of the day and begin to wind down.

Hope to see you there


Tuesday 8 September 2009

Back for a new term

I just had a great few days away with friends, and am back with a little bit of a tan, and some new thoughts for this term. Its just a short post this time: I'm just off to church for midweek prayer, looking forward to catching up with a few people. But this Sunday we are joined by a local Methodist preacher, then next weekend is Harvest and our Open weekend. We are going to take some time to thank God for providing just the right food to keep us healthy..

Watch this space for more details.

Bless you all loads


Monday 3 August 2009

Great Sunday

This Sunday (2nd August) we had a great time worshipping together at the church centre. We gave thanks for baby Ivani: it was great to see so many family there. We also spent time praying and listening to the Bible being read and working out together what it might mean for us today.

We love to spend time hearing what is going on in people's lives, giving thanks, praying for each other and marking special occasions. Come and join us each Sunday to do just that: we meet at 11 am: with some activities for children from 10.30.

Monday 27 July 2009

First Post

I'm quite excited to be putting up the first post on the new blog for the church in Cottingley. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jude, here as a curate in the Church of England (A novel title that basically means I am in my first ordained post). I spend some of my time with St Mary's Beeston, but most of my focus is on the Cottingley Hall estate.

I would love to hear from people in Cottingley Hall about how they view the church and what we can be doing that serves the community , as well as keeping us as loyal followers of Jesus.

I will try and post here regularly to let people know good news from the estate as well as what we are up to as a church.
